Add music from iTunes to iPhone: Transfer music from iTunes to iPhone

add music from iTunes to iPhone

Apple never fails to impress its users with the utmost pleasing gestures in every possible way. Yet, every iOS points at something which needs to look for an alternative. Technically, there is no need to search for an alternative each time. All it lacks is the accessibility to a few direct gestures just like the … Read more

Recover Instagram messages: Get Instagram chat backup with recovery tool

Popular photo-sharing app Instagram always tops in the popularly used apps in many countries. The Facebook-owned social platform is also emerging as a strong advertising platform in recent times. Though the app solely performs all photo-video sharing duties, it does tout few other features as well. The stories feature is just another extension which disappears … Read more

Best tools to Check SSD health: Track your SSD performance

Cloud storage has bought a closer alternative for limited space in traditional hard disks. Now Solid State Devices (SSDs) takes charge for all the high-end laptops. At times, it is performing better than Hard disk drives when compared amongst other constraints. Besides that, these SSDs claimed as less power consuming unit and boots quickly within … Read more